
A Petite Sensation of Joy, Number 4

A Petite Sensation of Joy, Number 4

HOW is it that although we experience enormous tragedy and sadness we also have a fierce wanting for just a little more life? This is a question posed by poet Mary Oliver that inspired A Petite Sensation of Joy, Number 4, where you are asked to LEAN IN to discover the answer.

A Petite Sensation of Joy, Number 4 is an interactive VR film that takes place over a 24 hour period during which we witness a story of deep-rooted resilience. It is a poetic tale of a common flower that, like us, must contend with the unpredictable nature of being alive. The film is presented as an artistic immersive installation, purposefully designed to activate our sense of wonder and awe, and awaken our innate knowing that we are already living in Eden..

A Petite Sensation of Joy, Number 4 is one of 12 projects selected by La Biennale di Venezia, Biennale College Cinema VR for its 7th edition (2022-2023). The project was workshopped at the innovative lab of the Biennale College Cinema VR in Venice, on the island of San Servolo, in January 2023, and was presented as part of the Venice Production Bridge at the 80th iteration of the renowned Venice Film Festival from August 30 - September 9, 2023.

Director: Nicole McDonald

Producer: Elizabeta Betinski

Written by: Nicole McDonald + Elizabeta Betinski

  • For additional information about the project, click here

  • To find out how YOU can be involved in bringing A Petite Sensation of Joy, Number 4 to the international stage of the Venice Film Festival, please email us.